Colin Kaepernick
What was the accusation?
In May 2015, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick appropriated the flash flooding occurring (at the time) in Houston, Texas to post the following taunt to social media utilizing his signature hashtag: “I warned you the #7tormsComing !!! #Houston.” Kaepernick quickly deleted the comment and eventually replaced it with an apology directed toward the people of Houston.
Key Apologia Strategies:
Mortification, Defeasibility, Bolstering
“I’m so sorry about my insensitive post earlier today. I didn’t fully understand how many people are struggling in Houston right now and I feel horrible. My prayers are with everyone there.”
49ers QB Colin Kaepernick apologizes for tweet about Houston flooding. (2015, May 27). CBS Sports. Retrieved from
Gutierrez, P. (2015, May 27). Colin Kaepernick apologizes, deletes post about Houston flooding. ESPN. Retrieved from
Schwartz, N. (2015, May 26). Colin Kaepernick apologizes for insensitive Instagram post about Houston floods. USA Today. Retrieved from