Richard Sherman

What was the accusation?
Following a press conference on December 20, 2016, Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman confronted Jim Moore of 710 ESPN Seattle for questioning the merit of Sherman’s outburst directed at his coaches during a recent game. Sherman reportedly told Moore that by “[going] there,” he would “ruin [Moore’s] career” by “[making] sure [Moore wouldn’t] get [his] media pass anymore.” Later that same day, Sherman apologized via Twitter for his remarks to Moore.
Key Apologia Strategies:
Bolstering, Mortification
“I appreciate the role the media plays and they have a tough job. I let it get personal today and I regret that. Next one should be fun. #Petesaididontcontrolcredentials“
Kapadia, S. (2016, December 20). Richard Sherman sorry for lashing out at reporter, but stands by outburst directed at offense. ESPN. Retrieved from